Vysočina Vysočině 2025: inspirace, spolupráce a nové impulsy pro cestovní ruch
Na konci ledna jsme v hotelu Medlov zahájili rok 2025 konferencí Vysočina Vysočině – setkáním lidí...
The building has undergone extensive renovation work over the past twenty years. However, these have always been very sensitively executed in consideration of the nature and historic appearance of the building. This renovation has given the place today’s appearance, which is very attractive for organizers and participants of various conferences, seminars, workshops, as well as purely private events.
When the underground rooms were restored between 1999 and 2000, under the expert guidance of architects V. Gyrsa and M. Hanzl, an interesting and spacious hall with a capacity of 100 people emerged from the squalid cellars, which had been used for storing vegetables and all kinds of clutter for decades. Due to its interesting historic appearance and contemporary technical equipment, the hall is frequently used for holding various educational, cultural and social events. Every year, it plays host to large numbers of presentation and business stays, training courses and team building meetings. It is also open to the general public and harbours theatre and film shows, meetings of local organizations, etc.
Jarmila Svobodová
organization referent
Tel.: 549 49 8182
Mob.: 606 036 043